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The Story Behind the Print - Tarot

Posted on August 21 2016

Tarot cardsWhat is in the cards for our lives? It’s sometimes hard to say, but there is one thing that’s certain. Even though each individual has unique experiences, we all share commonalities. I developed this print by creating my own impressions of tarot designs, inspired by Renaissance paintings and mixed with hand drawing. This print includes those things we all inevitably face, such as The King, The Beast, Judgment, and Commerce. But who – or what -- determines our outcomes with them is up to the viewer to decide.

Like life itself, the background begs to be examined more intimately as well, red text atop solid black. From a distance, it appears to be simply a texture. However, on closer inspection an observer finds I included the complete first chapter of Don Quixote, showing us that in art – and life – perspective is everything.

CTarot cards

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