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The Story Behind the Print - Kapow!

Posted on August 21 2016

SuperheroAs a child, I loved comic books. It was an a passion that faded over time, but I still have a nostalgic fondness for the genre. Comics illustrated the age-old power struggle between good and evil; right and wrong ... with an external force swooping in to save the day. Now, as an adult, I recognize that those classic stories can symbolize something else. Instead of looking outward to find a hero, we can save ourselves by looking inward.

I blended classic comic motifs such as lightning bolts and multi-pointed stars in this print with the phrase "Don’t give up on your dreams." To that I added words that can change every life: Justice. Power. Truth.

Over it all I worked semi-transparent paragraphs into the design that contains the “classic” definition of a superhero. Superhero powers vary widely; superhuman strength, the ability to fly, enhanced senses, and the projection of energy bolts are all common. A strong moral code, including a willingness to risk one's own safety in the service of good without expectation of reward is another common characteristic of the breed.

In reality, those of us who can project energy bolts are few and far between. Still, I hope that everyone who sees or wears this print will be inspired to become their own champion.



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