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The Story Behind the Print - Lemonade

Posted on April 16 2016

This cheerful print was inspired by summertime in Southern California, or more specifically, by my next door neighbor’s lemon tree.  The image of yellow, juicy lemons growing on lush green branches, against a sky blue background reminds me of the familiar phrase used to encourage optimism and a positive, can-do attitude: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. 

Of course, my personal can’t-get-off-the-Internet side compels me to point out that lemons, according to Wikipedia, were used in Germany to ward off vampires. Apparently one could weaken a vampire by shoving a lemon into its mouth. I’m not certain if being confronted with a stylized lemon image would have the same result, but hey – you can never be too careful.

Ruby Linker comfortable tunic - lemon print

Regardless of your motivation, this bold print tunic is certainly one that you won’t see coming and going. It will undoubtedly stand out in your closet screaming, “Pick me!” as you mull over what to wear (much like my neighbor’s lemons call out to anyone who passes by). 

When you wear this tunic, I hope that you’ll be reminded to turn anything sour or bitter in your life into something sweet.  And if you’re not up for making lemonade, you can always grab the tequila and salt­ - because truth be told, that’s what I’ve been known to do with the lemons that fall on my side of the fence.    


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